ICOEPH Works for the Promotion of Occupational, Environmental and Public Health in Some of the World’s Poorest Countries

The foundation of ICOEPH was set in 2001 with the collaboration between passionate Danish Occupational and Environmental Physicians and the Danish NGO Dialogos in the Plagbol Project of Bolivia focusing on prevention of pesticide poisonings among farmers. ICOEPH was established in 2003 as a committee under the Danish Society of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (DASAM) and is driven by volunteer members and collaborators representing the fields of medicine, public health, agronomy, psychology, anthropology, business studies and geology. The goal of ICOEPH is to support the development of occupational, environmental and public health in some of the world’s poorest countries according to their own needs and contexts through international collaboration and exchange of knowledge. The main activities of ICOEPH are proposal writing for development/scientific projects, facilitation of implementing development/scientific projects, evaluation of development/scientific projects as well as teaching, counselling and training in the fields of occupational, environmental and public health.

ICOEPH er et udvalg under Dansk Selskab for Arbejds- og Miljømedicin

Center for International Arbejdsmiljøudvikling og Forskning er dannet for at hjælpe internationalt med at sikre et sundt miljø og arbejdsmiljø i de svagest udviklede lande.

Centret skal løse og formidle arbejdsopgaver og løse opgaver indenfor arbejdsmedicinske og arbejdsmiljømæssige problemstillinger.

Der kan være tale om problemafdækning i forhold til en given problemstilling, udarbejdelse af projektforslag, aktiv deltagelse i projekter og projektstyring, projektevaluering, forskningsprojekter, rådgivning, analyser o. lign.
Det ydre miljø og arbejdsmiljø er globaliserede problemstillinger som kræver internationalt samarbejde for at sikre en sundhedsrigtig udvikling.

Danmark har en høj standard og værdifulde erfaringer indenfor kontrol af det ydre miljø og arbejdsmiljøet og har de senere år eksporteret og støttet østlande og udviklingslande med denne know how. Centeret vil være med at til fortsætte og understøtte dette arbejde.